Struggle Buddy: Today I’m Struggling With…Tantrums

I’m Alex, and today I’m struggling with tantrums. My daughter is in this super intense phase right now where she plays hard, laughs hard, snuggles hard, naps hard…and tantrums. Real hard. She’s the most delightful demogorgon you ever did meet. My sweet baby angel can go from zero to straight-up hell creature in the time it takes me to look at her the wrong way.

Watch it, Mother.

Tantrums are at once mind-bogglingly complex and infuriatingly simple. If you’re reading a mommy blog, you probably already know this, at least intellectually. Continue reading “Struggle Buddy: Today I’m Struggling With…Tantrums”

Struggle Buddy: Today I’m Struggling With…The Fence

Hello! I’m Danielle. I married my high school sweetheart and have two amazing, wild young boys.

Today, I’m sitting on the fence. I’m blissfully kicking my legs back and forth, not making a decision to move forward or backward. I’m trying not to choose to even get off the fence on either side onto the green grass.

It’s a delicate process.

If you are a person in our society, at one point in time, you will be on this exact fence with me. It’s the “Should we have any/a/a second/a third/etc child(ren)?” fence. Continue reading “Struggle Buddy: Today I’m Struggling With…The Fence”