Today I’m Struggling With…Neck Cheese

When I was pregnant with my first child, H, my mom made me and my husband an advent calendar for my final month of pregnancy. She asked our friends and relatives for parenting advice and wishes for us and the baby. One of my favorites came from a friend and co-worker who reminded us “Always clean the neck folds.” Her advice came from her own experience with two chunky babies and a memorable moment where she thought, in her words, “Why does my baby smell like ass?”


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Today I’m Struggling With…Breastfeeding and Emotional Labor

I have two kids and breastfed both of them. My son until he was one, my daughter for four months so far. Breastfeeding was never a question and was a very important goal in my process of becoming a mother. But — and I’m already steeling myself for the comments — I’ve started to wonder if that one choice has done more or less good for my relationship with my husband and my own personal identity as a woman.

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